Feeling Stuck? Try Lubrication.

How to Move Forward When Feeling Stuck

We often associate stagnation with a lack of movement. And we often seek to remedy this lack of movement with action. 

But what if action is not the answer to stagnation? For instance, if we are going through a period where we feel stuck, it can often feel impossible to take any steps. Whether we are stuck in a bad relationship, in the middle of divorce proceedings, in a dead-end job, or working with a terrible client, the assumption is that only when drastic action is taken, we can move forward. 

But if you imagine for a moment being physically stuck. You could THINK about the steps all you want but that doesn’t mean you can take them because you are still STUCK! So, when we truly feel stuck in life, I believe the answer is lubrication. 

The definition of stagnation is the state of not flowing or moving. Lubrication will allow you to slip right on out when you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It can seem overly simple but often the most helpful things are the most obvious. 

Here are some “lubrication” ideas I have for when you are feeling stagnant and stuck.


Have a glass of water

Have a cuppa 

Make a smoothie or juice 

Enjoy broths and soups 

Swim in the ocean or a pool

Have an Epsom salt bath

Visit a hot spring 

Have a hot/cold shower 

Listen to an audio of rain or waves crashing

Dance in the rain 


Spray rose mist on your face 

Steam your face

Visit a steam room 

Enjoy the morning dew 

Put your bare feet on wet grass

Use your favourite smelling oils in a diffuser 


Cover your hair and body in oil 

Get a massage or massage a loved one 

Use a castor oil pack 

Oil pull in the morning 

Put oil in your belly button before bed 

By implementing some or all of these things, perhaps soon enough you will find yourself in a position where you are free and mobile enough to take action. Do you have any other ideas for lubrication? I'd love to hear. Shalee xo 

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Shalee Rae

Thanks so much for reading my latest blog post. I look forward to chatting in the comments below xo


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